week 10
=) takes some kind of a genius to DO my blog man!
now i have a NEW blog!!!
thanks dear, loads! =)
last week of sch [week10] is finally here. Loads of people changing sch, entering new jcs, making new friends. kinda miss out on the whole process of studying for o levels, getting results, applying for jc, posting into new jc, attending a jc. suppose i'll never ever be in a jc. ib's loads of a difference. haha. but im so glad im in acsi, and in ib. its gd! =)
heard loads of people in my sch got posted elsewhere like innova/and poly...hope not many ppl move out...i like the cohort as it is now! =) wish there was more sch spirit and house spirit...like people wanting to perform well for glory of sch and stuff...sigh...there isnt much in acsi as i hope there is. =/
okay...set my heart, im gonna do well in maths and econs this year. and the rest i'll just try my best. =) my class people ARE really humanities people coz they really write well, articulate their points well during class discussions. feeling slightly demoralised...but i'll work harder to catch up with them i guess
nxt term's gonna be a brand new term for brand new start. gonna get everything up to speed and prepare for the mid-years commontest which is always actually a mid-year examination put nicely...
haha dear you gonna START sch man! no worries alright? just be yourself...and have fun! being in a jc's always fun man! but study too alright? then we can enjoy hols together! =)
<3 you loads
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