Wednesday, November 08, 2006

dota tournament

hmm or bad?
i'll decided another time
when it's too late
been taking part in GXL (Games eXtreme League) Dota Tournament 2006.

quite tough
the matchups.
first was SETH SB
then was WinterNight

both teams are ranked in malaysia and singapore

nxt match is

Team Reprisal

this sat.
hope can quan li yi fu and win
we wish. haha

hmm well events of past/present/future rather blurry now
dad always talks about what is sustainable and what is not sustainable
like dota is not sustainable...wont earn me a good living and future
so he wants me to do something worthwhile...something sustainable
i guess its all about balanced ba...i agree dota isnt gd for the future
but then again...if i dont play now...nxt time play either too kick...or no chance anymore. but yet if play now...sacrifice other stuff


what's more its a competition.

but its hard to achieve ba
haha im just ranting and ranting on...wish at this hour...i could think of something more intellectual...and interesting....but i cant
mind's just blank

need to get into the mood to do work liaoz
holidays pass quickly...almost ending liao (i keep telling myself it is ending)

some stuff im still nt very clear's rather messy and confusing
i'll sit down (or stand up) and think them out one by one
after all, life isnt meant to be easy
sometimes...i wish i had all the answers
but then so what
but i wish it were easier now
but it isnt

who am i?
what am i?
what kind of person am i?
why do i behave like this...and then like that
i always claim to understand people the most
to know their many cases: true
but i dont even know myself

flurry of emotions and state of confusion

owe BLT a movie review for COUNTDOWN (have you watched it? its FANTASTIC! go watch it!) but havnt the time to do it...but i had time to rant eh no? is just so...just so...

im tired. dont think liaoz...just sleep.
if tmr nvr comes, i'll just have to live with it

always always always thinking


At Thu Nov 09, 06:20:00 PM GMT+8 , Blogger Aizat said...

this actually could be a mirror image of what's going through my head right now. don't worry. there are others out there who know how you feel, and we'll be around to support you if you need it

At Fri Nov 17, 03:32:00 AM GMT+8 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm. there was this person that said...we reach enlightenment when we truely understand ourselves.
I agree. Therefore, we can't really ever understand ourselves. but when we understand others, we see similarities in them that we recognise in ourselves. that brings you one step closer to enlightenment. so jit yew. just carry on stepping. you'll reach it.:> i believe so.

At Fri Nov 17, 09:51:00 AM GMT+8 , Blogger thoughts-illuminate said...

ah...haha so true that is. yes i believe that is the answer. thanks =)


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