Thursday, September 07, 2006

learning from the kite...

haha =D
went kite flying today!

learnt a lot: =D
  1. like how to actually get to marina south 'kite flying area'
  2. that you must take bus 400 and stop at or after 'Superbowl'
  3. kite shop only opens at 1-2p.m. so if you wanna fly kite in morning you'll have to bring your own kite
  4. bring a mat, bring sunblock (coz its dam hot)

haha and besides that i realised that:

we can learn so much from the kite too:

freedom from control

you know sometimes, the control of parents over their children is like flying a kite. the kite is us, and the person or people flying the kite is them.

we always have the problem about freedom, about them letting go, letting loose. and they always have the fear of letting go too much...isnt this like the kite?

today when i flew the kite, i realised that sometimes, when you tugged too hard or didnt let loose the string, the kite would keep tugging at us, pressurizing us to release more...doesnt it sound like us pestering or demanding that we need more freedom from our parents?

when not getting its way, the kite would either break away and disappear, (like ours did after keeping it tied down for so long) or sink and collapse to the ground, defeated.

sometimes our parents are so tight, strict with us, that that's what happens to us. either we get so hurt and angry, that we break off from them and disappear into our own lives, or get so tied down by them, that we eventually cave in and be defeated.

in order to fly the kite high, occasionally, we would let the string loose when there was wind so that the kite could fly further and higher; but occassionally, we panicked and felt the lost of control over the kite so we quickly reeled it back in to ensure that the kite keeps flying high and stays up there. isnt this what our parents do to us, for us?

some parents let the strings out from the reel, the spool. yet we take advantage of this, and fly away so far and high that our parents feel that they have lost control over us, as if they didnt know us anymore, didnt understand us anymore, and they panic and they start imposing all sorts of restrictions and boundaries and we get frustrated and unhappy.

but we must realise that the whole intention of kite flying is to: fly the kite, to let it go as far and high as possible. i'm sure that's what parents want to, to let us go as far, as successful people as possible. but they get scared sometimes. we scare them sometimes, and they limit us, pull us back safely to where they can see us, control us.

just something to think about: what kind of kite-flyers to we have? or, what kind of kite are we ourselves? do we get too greedy that we fly too fast and far away until we are out of sight? or are we reasonable...but then where is reasonable? sometimes we dont know...questions...answers?

haha just realised takes 2 to fly a kite

i tried flying one myself...couldn't...the kite kept crashing down (tho i did eventually fly one myself after 10 minutes of struggle)

with 2 people...could fly the kite easier and higher.

haha...and today when we flew the kite...another dude and his clever team came over and tried to fly their kite too. halfway there he realised that his kite was flying...zzZzzZ actually, it was more like his kite was stuck to the string of our kite...tangled up... see, i realised that when 2 kites are flying in the same tangles, no worries.

but when 2 kites fly in opposite direction, they get tangled up easily and there's so much troubles and sadness...isnt' this like relationships sometimes? often more than not, we dont realise that both people have opinions that seem to differ...then after awhile, things get tangled up and messy, and then everything gets angry, everything gets pain...hurt.

mm k i'm not making sense

alright...i'll stop my ramblings

had loads of fun today =D

a day off from the world, and work...tmr i BETTER start...shish...last day liaoz...=/


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