Monday, November 20, 2006

emotional reasoning

which comes first?
emotions first then reasoning, or reasoning first then emotions.

upon inital impact of a decision-making-situation(dms), you'd think that emotions come first straight away.

but emotions are determined by reasoning first. how can you feel or emote something if you dont know how you should feel or emote in the first place.

if you look upon a situation and you feel sad, angry or happy...that's because within that short span of space and time, you mind goes through that process of identifying how and what to feel. Without firstly the preconception of what these 3 feelings are, you wont know how or what to feel. similarly if you do not think or do some mini-reasoning within yourself first, you COULD get happy when you see some1 die, or sad when you see a 3 year-old kid gets his first scooter. in other words, inital-reasoning takes place b4 emotions are allowed to come into play. mini-reasoning counted as actual-reasoning? i mean...emotions are suppose to be 'an experience', something which is passive which we have no choice over. (how about the time when you actually felt in awe of something brilliant: like admiring the sunset in wintertime, or the beauty of the most beautiful thing of beauty?) its a passive emotion that results from the experience. where-in then does mini-reasoning come into place? should it even be called reasoning if it is based on past-experiences, anticipation or conditioned-reflex-emotion? if the reaction to a dms (decision-making situation) is conditioned from past experiences and becomes more of a reflex action than a though-process-leading-up-to-an-action, then you cannot count reasoning as coming first.

no.1: sup with all the dash between words...that's because my vocab is so weak i cant find any other words to replace those words-with-dashes.
no.2: why are we quarelling about which comes first, reason or emotion, when the question ask which is more necessary in justifying moral decision.
no.3: let me tell you a clue: it's in stages. (*grins sneakily*)

alright glhf



At Sun Dec 03, 05:56:00 AM GMT+8 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting, interesting. =)

i'm doing the same.

what is emotion?

stages? circularity? does it matter which is the beginning and the end when so much of life is all about cycles?

At Thu Dec 07, 08:13:00 PM GMT+8 , Blogger alchemist said...

Justification implies having to make judgements and explain them such that others (or you) believe that your judgements are the right ones.

Appeal to emotion and use of emotion can persuade people to feel that you are right and even believe that you are right. But neither of these phenomena are equivalent to judging that you are right. So is critical (from Gk 'kritias' - a judge) appraisal necessary for justification?

That is one root of the problem.

Xin: yes, life is about cycles in abstract, but thanks to thermodynamics, there is another dimension, and your cycles are actually parts of spirals.

At Mon Dec 25, 01:55:00 AM GMT+8 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i google my TOK essay question and i find this. sigh. jit yew ah jit yew, some things never change. =)


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